Thursday, February 10, 2011

Learning Profile

I learn best…
I usually learn best when I am not explained every single step, like it says in
my profile I would rather be given the answer and instead of a sheet saying the
steps. I don’ t focus when I am explained the steps as it is impossible to get all
the information in my head through one conversation. It is almost the same
problem when I am reading, if I wanted to remember a book I would have to
watch the movie to understand the book.

I need to…
I think that I need to be more focused even though it is really difficult; I think
it would be helpful for me to tell or inform my teachers on how I work best. It
would also help me to go after school and ask for help.

Strategies that help me learn…
The strategies that would help me in my learning would be to ask teachers
more questions and be able to have a time at home where I can just do my
homework and not be distracted my the T.V or laptop. Another way that
possibility would be to go to homework help where it is quiet and I could ask
teachers question.

I would like my teachers to know this about me...
I think that I would really like my teachers to know that I am very easily
distracted and that it is really difficult for me to listen to the teacher when they
explain steps. Also, It would be nice for the teachers to make more hands on
activities just like the beginning, since October classes have not been planning
to many hands on activities.

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